Working with color schemes

How to connect color schemes and how to use them

Color schemes allow you to choose the main and accent color of the website, as well as highlight blocks on the website or put an image on the background of the block.

In order to connect color schemes, write to us by email with a request to connect color blocks or in a chat on the website.

After connecting the color schemes, it will be possible to change the colors of blocks on a custom page, but the color of the whole site can only be changed to light, dark, accent and contrast color.

How to choose the color scheme:

  • Here you can choose the color of your website. When you change the color of the website, the background color, the color of buttons, links and other elements on the site changes.

  • You can also turn on the dark theme. The night theme will work on devices where the device browser is switched to night theme mode. For more information about the night theme, see the instruction 📖 What is dark theme.

When you change the color of the website, the accent and contrast colors change, which can be used when setting up blocks on custom page. After choosing the color of the website, go to the page to change the color of the blocks.

Block colors can only be set on custom pages.

Click the palette icon (Block Background). Select the block color you need:

  • Accent. The accent color that you selected on the Design page.

  • Contrasting. The color is the opposite of your color scheme.

  • Image.

The image as a background can only be set on blocks with text, a button, and blocks with some widgets.

As a result, you highlight the block that contains the most significant information.

Last updated